- Official replacement power supplies for Pro-Ject and Box Design products
Many Pro-Ject turntables and phono electronics use 'wall-wart' power supplies to power up. This helps keep the box series items small, and removes unnecessary heat and resonant forces from turntables and electronics.
18V / 500mA DC Power Supply (ND-025)
- DAC Box DS (Up to S/N D9268)
- Dock Box S Fi
- Head Box S
- Head Box S USB
- Head Box DS
- Phono Box
- Phono Box MM (From S/N E4360 onwards)
- Phono Box S
- Phono Box USB V
- Phono Box DS
- Phono Box DS+
- Phono Box E
- Phono Box E BT
- Phono Box USB (DC)
- Optical Box E Phono
- Pre Box S
- Pre Box DS
- Pre Box RS (Up to S/N D16272)
- Speed Box S
Note: Please ensure your existing power supply is 18V / 500mA before ordering